Picture this: There’s a blizzard rolling in. Scores of airlines cancel flights preemptively, days before the snowflakes even begin to spiral down from the sky. You’re […]
The PlaneSense fractional aircraft ownership program was ranked high in overall satisfaction, customer service, and value in the Business Jet Traveler Annual Reader’s Survey. The publication compared […]
“The seven-seat twin is scheduled to receive European and US type certification in December. The official handover of the first aircraft to US fractional ownership company […]
Smooth travel starts with preparation, especially with an international flight checklist. For all international flights, the following is required at least 24 hours prior to the […]
A private equity association, with invitation-only membership, the Elk River Club offers exclusive, high country living and exceptional mountain golf. Built by Jack Nicklaus and located […]
Situated between the Sea of Abaco and the Atlantic Ocean, Baker’s Bay Golf & Ocean Club offers a private, luxurious, and unforgettable tropical experience. Located approximately […]
A few key preparations will help ensure smooth travel for you and your passengers. The Planesense® Flight Operations Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 […]
Perhaps as a result of environmental debate, observing migratory birds like ducks, geese, brant, swans, hawks, and eagles in their coastal habitats has become a growing […]